1.1. The Client Agreement is entered into for the use of the Services provided by the Tondi Tennis Centre (hereinafter the Centre). The relations between the parties are based on the Client Agreement, the Price List and the Centre’s Best Practices which can be found www.goldenclub.ee/en.
1.2. The Client Agreement grants the Client the right to use the Services of the Centre as agreed upon in the Client Agreement.
1.3. The Client Agreement is concluded for one year. The Client Agreement enters into force from the date of conclusion.
1.4. The badminton season is calculated from 01.09-31.08.
2.1. The Club Member pays the GCS annual fee. The annual fee for the current year (from the moment of conclusion of the Agreement) is 55 € (fifty five euros), which gives the Club Member the right to book the courts at the Club Membership fee (GCS).
2.2. A Club Member will receive a discount for the courts of around 10% of the price set for residents of Tallinn.
2.3. In case of current bookings, the Club Member is entitled to a Club Member’s membership fee if the Club Member plays on the court.
2.4. Club Members will be issued a registered Club Card that is valid for the duration of the Client Agreement.
2.5. The Club Card is the property of the Centre.
2.6. Club Members can only use Club Cards for their own personal use of the services. A Club Member may not pass on the Club Card for third-party use.
2.7. A Club Member is required to immediately inform the Centre about the loss or theft of the Club Card and be responsible for the transactions made with the Club Card until the Centre has been informed. Upon issuing a new Club Card, the Centre has the right to demand a card replacement fee.
3.1. The Client pays a fee for the services of the Centre in accordance with the current price list and the Client Agreement.
3.2. The Centre issues an advance payment invoice to the Client on a monthly basis, in accordance with the playing times agreed on in the Client Agreement for the upcoming month. The invoice will be sent by e-mail.
3.3. If the Client has not received the advance payment invoice by the tenth (10th) day of the month following the invoicing period, he or she is required to apply to the Centre for the issue of repeat invoice. The Client is not released from the obligation to pay the invoice by the due date if he or she has not received the invoice sent to him or her and has not informed the Centre about it.
3.4. The Centre submits to the Client an additional invoice for the playing times and additional services used but not reflected on the advance payment invoice by the fifteenth (15th) date of the month following the invoicing period. The invoice will be sent to the Client by e-mail.
3.5. The Client pays the invoices provided by the Centre by the due date. The invoice is deemed to be paid upon receipt of the relevant amount on the bank account of the Centre.
3.6. In the event of a delayed payment of the Invoice, the Client pays interest for delay of zero point one per cent (0.1%) of the outstanding amount per day. The amount received is initially deemed to cover the interest for the delay and only then the principal obligation.
3.7. The Centre has the right to suspend the Client Agreement if the Client fails to pay invoices in a timely manner.
4.1. The Client is entitled to use the services of the Centre in accordance with the concluded Client Agreement.
4.2. The Client is entitled to receive information from the Centre’s client service about the invoices submitted, the services offered, the price list and possible interruptions in the provision and use of the Services.
4.3. The Client has the right to reserve his or her prepaid playing time (substitute times), notifying the Centre thereof on the e-mail address tondi@goldenclub.ee at least 48 hours (forty-eight hours) in advance. On a rolling basis, the Client is entitled to have up to 3 (three) substitute times per one playing time per week. The substitute times must be used by the end of the current season (by 31.08). The substitute times cannot be realized at fixed times indicated in the Client Agreement. The substitute times cannot be offset in the following months’ advance payment invoices.
5.1. The Client is obliged to use the services in a way that does not cause harm to the Centre or third parties and is not contrary to laws or good morals.
5.2. The Client is obligated to inform the Centre promptly of all factual circumstances, and data changes in the Client Agreement concluded with the Centre and other circumstances that may affect the Client’s compliance with his or her obligations towards the Centre. The obligation to inform is valid even when the changes have been made public (e-registers, media, etc.).
5.3. The Client undertakes to refrain from excessive physical activity and monitor his/her state of health during physical activity. The Centre is not responsible for injuries sustained by the Client as a result of sporting activities.
5.4. The Client is required to act in the Centre in accordance with the Centre’s best practices, be polite and respectful to the co-visitors. In violation of this requirement, the Centre’s employees have the right to ask the offender to leave the Centre.
5.5. The Client undertakes to keep the Centre clean and orderly and use the property of the Centre with prudence. A Client who breaks or damages the property of the Centre is obligated to compensate for the damage caused in full.
5.6. The Client undertakes to comply with the Centre’s notices and signs.
5.7. The Client and his or her guests undertake to wear clothes and shoes suitable for athletic activities in the Centre.
6.1. The Centre has the right to make changes in the price list of the Centre, in the opening hours and in best practices of the Centre, informing the Client thereof in advance.
6.2. The Centre has the right to temporarily restrict the provision of services to the Client in the event of tournaments or other circumstances, notifying the Client thereof at least two (2) hours in advance.
6.3. The Centre may restrict the provision of services to the Client if the Client violates the Centre’s best practices or uses the Centre in a way that jeopardizes its operation or interferes with other clients.
6.4. The Centre has the right to restrict or suspend the provision of services to the Client if the Client violates the terms and conditions of the Client Agreement concluded between the Client and the Centre, including delays in payment of the invoice over a period of fourteen (14) days.
6.5. The Centre ensures that the Client can use the Centre during opening hours, which are available on the website of the Centre.
6.6. The Centre undertakes not to disclose data related to the Client to third parties without the Client’s permission, except on the bases and pursuant to the procedure provided by law.
6.7. The Client, when concluding the Client Agreement, gives the Centre consent for forwarding information, promotional materials and offers of the Centre and the companies belonging to the same group like the Centre to the e-mail address indicated by the Client in the Client Agreement.
6.8. The Client, upon concluding the Client Agreement, gives the Centre consent for the processing of his or her personal data (including name, personal identification code and debt information) in the amount necessary for processing the Client’s debt through a collection company and/or for disclosure of information in the credit information and/or other way related to the collection of outstanding obligations of the Customer through third parties.
7.1. The use of the Centre’s sports facilities takes place at the Client’s own risk. The Centre is not responsible for injuries sustained by the Client and his or her guests on the territory of the Centre.
7.2. The Centre is not liable for damage caused to the property of the Client and his or her guests on the territory of the Centre. The Centre is not liable for any items left in the lockers or the cars left in the car park.
8.1. The Agreement enters into force at the time of signing and is valid for one year in terms of the Membership of the Club, with respect to the fixed times, until the end of the respective season.
8.2. The Centre has the right unilaterally to change the terms of the Client Agreement by notifying the Client thereof in writing one (1) calendar month in advance by the relevant notice on this website and by e-mail.
8.3. In the event of non-acceptance of the changes, the Client is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship with the Centre within one (1) calendar month upon notification of the changes, by notifying the Centre in writing and fulfilling all obligations arising from the contractual relationship between the Parties. If the Client does not use the right specified in this clause, it is deemed that the Client has declared his or her intention to accept the changes and does not have objections to the Centre in terms of the changes.
8.4. The Client has the right to terminate this Agreement early, notifying the Centre thereof in writing of at least thirty (30) days in advance, whereas the Client has an obligation to pay all the invoices provided by the Centre for advance payment according to the issue and payment deadline until the expiry of the Agreement. The GCS annual fee will not be refunded upon early termination of the Client Agreement.
8.5. The Client is obligated to inform the Centre promptly of all factual circumstances, and data changes in the Client Agreement concluded with the Centre and other circumstances that may affect the Client’s compliance with his or her obligations towards the Centre. The obligation to inform is valid even when the changes have been made public (e-registers, media, etc.).
8.6. The Client undertakes to refrain from excessive physical activity and monitor his/her state of health during physical activity. The Centre is not responsible for injuries sustained by the Client as a result of sporting activities. The Client is required to act in the Centre in accordance with the Centre’s best practices, be polite and respectful to the co-visitors. In case of violation of this requirement, the Centre’s employees have the right to ask the offender to leave the Centre.
8.7. The Centre has the right to terminate the Client Agreement without notice by submitting a written notice if the Client violates any obligation arising from the Client Agreement.
8.8. The Centre has the right to prevent persons whose Client status has been terminated from entering the Centre.
8.9. The termination of the Agreement will not affect the making and satisfaction of monetary claims arising prior to the termination of the Agreement.